Mandy Cruickshank's Spiritual Articles

The stepping back onto solid ground.

Ducks and lillies in the Pond

I feel like I have come out of a lake. Obviously, this is just a metaphor I am using to try and get some understanding of what took place in my psyche the last 6 weeks. A couple of days ago as I knelt to light the fire, this thought went through my mind. My life has changed, I got sick was the responding thought as if to explain why my life has changed.

The Harp as a Healing Instrument by Jan Hirsch

Jan Hirsch

The Ancients thought of the harp as a Gift from the Divine. It has unique qualities that make it an ideal instrument for healing. Its long strings vibrate freely and purely, resounding in sympathy and harmony with the nerves and muscles of our body. Probably the most famous of all the Harp Healers was David–the shepherd-warrior-poet who soothed the troubled ..

Universal Mind


As the shifts gently happen, and we gently bring awareness to the nature of our mindsets, one comes to realise how strongly we may be aligned on a universal level to painful and uncharitable mindsets taking many different forms on the stage of life. We realise just how unaligned to love we really are, even though some of us may be strong believers in Love.

As that mindset changes we discover more love for ourselves, as well as our brother, then often the misunderstood Lord’s Prayer.

The Universal Language

Centering Mandalla Pink

There are many of us who have come to this realisation, and it is sometimes a very scary realisation. You suddenly experience a little space within the mind and that little bit of freedom is experienced. We recognise there is this safety net of following the system. Many great leaders within the workforce and religious organisations struggle within the mindset of the organisation.

Beyond Insanity into Meaning

Mandalla By Mandy Cruickshank

Not everybody knows how to hear the voice of their soul, some fall into the experience and others have to be supported. For myself at times I have had powerful glimpses that have come with such a powerful knowing. And then l take on the journey of faith and take constant small steps to bring my knowing into alignment with humanity. But as I do that, I do not see that we as a human race will dissolve into a nothingness for we all hold the amazing ability to create from that inner space of Universal Truth which lies within in all of us, and it is perhaps humanities lesson to learn how to mirror the greatness that is within us…

The Space Within the Mind.

Centering Mandalla Pink

As we respond to these models that are also incorporative of creativity there still needs to be the opportunity for allowing awareness to any strong mind stances/beliefs. The awareness of emotional suppression, the willingness from within to open up, the ability to play, all these things move us away from the tightness of the mind allowing an opening that can take us to a mind blowing embodiment of healing. You are held in the structure, but also free.

Forgiveness in Relationships

Mandalla Pink by Mandy Cruickshank

Perhaps it has nothing to do with having some concept of being spiritual that opens us more deeply to loving each other. Perhaps eventually it is a need for all of us to experiencing the pure act of aligning ourselves with love for all, and yes that is the person that may have behaved in a hurtful manner to us (where the real inner work for us resides) that opens us up to a true form of spirituality that is not depended of any religious or spiritual model.

Co-Creating or Split


It’s almost as if a new language needs to be created so that people are taught the way to experience their inner essence and learn to be a co creator rather than to split. The models can only be as good as people teaching these models as they do their inner work, therefore moving beyond fear based beliefs and leading people into experiencing Truth, being open to non verbals languages, or ways of teaching, that move us away from the constriction of the mind creating a space for awareness…

The Mystical Element within Creativity

Orange wool soul scarf lady

Creativity is the becoming fashionable word in yet one I feel is least understood and for some it brings a sense of uneasiness if they have not opened up to this amazing energy that is our inheritance. People know at some level that creativity allows a space within the psyche…a moment where they are released from the constant chatter of the mind. I believe this happens on a scale slide. People join a choir because it takes them into the heart space and…

The Blessings of Christmas versus “Agony of Christmas”


I think there are very few people that are able to enter into this time of the year without experiencing an intensity of emotions that hold some sadness or human emotion. And it is important to give some time to those emotions acknowledging them fully. But I like to dwell on the powerful message which is given to all, of us as we remember the delightful movie of Pollyanna. A small girl with much reason to be sad, but her strength was to carry on the message of living with her deceased father’s teaching and that was “to be glad.” We all know the phrase to “Be thankful” which can be really difficult when our emotions ….

The Soul Part of the Orange

orange lights sphere

I’m also happy to say that I am now able to be able to exercise other parts of myself and go out and have some really good fun times. It is interesting to walk back into my home, check my phone, no messages, check my Facebook and everybody appears to be writing up the same mundane posts and I think what’s everybody doing?

Express Through a Creative Form

Banner Mandy Cruickshank 600 x 1500

It’s when we start moving with our own paintbrush upon the rugged terrain of our inner/outer life. We start looking at what is vibrant, and whole perhaps desiring of a voice, rather than being so attuned to the aspects of the mind, that tend to hold us back. We are all familiar with those aspects, and there are many different forms of self development in teaching people awareness around limiting thought patterns. But as a Society we are not taught to go deeper, to move us beyond the thought patterns to experiencing energy of wholeness within us; we stay stuck on a mind structure that keeps us in a comfortable place of acceptance with…

The Knowing

Beauty & Power by Mandy Cruickshank

The more abstract the medium is the more release from the mind structure or tightness. Creativity flows in this open space of the mind that is engaged in abstract work. As that space is strengthened and enlarged it allows for the energy of knowing to emerge. This source energy may lead you to a new creative medium so that the creativity is being fed, it is opening up a space within us that the source knowing energy can utilise. The creativity is the vessel for the knowing to emerge. It may or may not be in a verbal message. There is some art (abstract) where the knowing

There in the Grace of God Go I . . .

Colour Creativity prayer joy awakening lotus

We need to learn to walk organically free from fear. One often hears the statement of one suffering with Mental Illness that they have lost their awareness of colour. Yes they have lost the awareness, but it is with a variety of tools that we choose, that are unique for everyone, that allows transmutation of the colours. We as a society look for a cure, perhaps it is the supporting hand that enables the journeyer to bring forth their colours. ‘There in the Grace of God go I ” becomes a beautiful reality….

Inner Healer

Aurasoma Healing Massage

What we were taught was a very simple process, this process has been taught and used in all sorts of mainstream therapeutic modalities. One practitioner told me she had been taught by a Minister. I was taught by counselling modality. But there are still lots of people who are not aware of this process that opens us up to experiencing, what I call, their own ‘Inner Healer’. I am sure that the process would have many different names to different people. The process is this amazing embodiment of healing that happens….

The Dance Of Inner Movement Within The Green.

We start to realise that a lot of the thoughts that we entertain often unconsciously from day to day simply don’t give us the power we want in our lives. They are often subtle dis-empowering thoughts that creep in that sit behind our choices as to whether we respond or react. The green is about having the space to open up and experiencing growth on an inner level

Inviting An Inner Movement Beyond The Structures

Beauty & Power by Mandy Cruickshank

These Universal truths are for everybody not just the religious, or spiritual. Whether experiencing severe mental illness, or maybe that insidious thought that say’s I’m OK, perhaps a little blind to the sometimes unhelpful limiting mental stances that we adopt in life. It is that need for the sense of structure, the rules, the internal and external that can give us a false sense of safety, the limiting beliefs, the strong stance of the mind that feels it needs its protective stance and keep us from experiencing….

There is a Universal Truth

As we open ourselves to experiencing this within ourselves we discover the many aspect’s of Truth such as creativity, peace, inner knowledge, beauty, acceptance and love.

As TRUTH resonates within us, stronger everyday, our illusions of ourselves and other’s fall away...

Mental Illness and Harp Ministry

Mandy Cruickshank Healing Journey

Mental Illness and Harp Ministry Home About Strings of Colour About Mandy Mandy’s Articles My Services Affiliated Services Contact Creative Store If you, or a loved one, is experiencing extreme mental trauma you deserve to know that you can experience working …

Inner Beauty

The inner beauty within my soul

I yearn to release for all to behold.

I have it within me

I know I do.

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