Experiencing Strong Alignment to the Universal Mind


Last night I received an email from a friend and decided it was material for an article. If anybody takes the time to read my articles they are often saying the same thing but in a slightly different way. And that is ok because most of us operate from long held beliefs and values, perhaps in need of reassessment, so gentle shifts are good.

There is a powerful energy that sits behind beliefs which can be seen as good but can still be keeping us from experiencing more love in our lives.

The material in the e mail spoke of my friend being part of the Jury…the gentleman who was being perceived as guilty very quickly had his story undermined by a couple of vindictive strong minded men, part of the Jury, who I am told tried to run the show.

The girl’s story was not judged. The result of the jury was 11 to 1. My friend being the 1 as she shared her reason for this was that she instinctively knew the man was innocent…her ability to listen from a deeper place as the man shared his truth upheld this belief. She also shared that she felt she was being directed from a higher place and it felt strong.

She added in her email that I would understand that, and I do, but sadly in that Jury it appeared that there was really only one person who had the awareness not to fall into alignment with the mindset of judgment and to be in a place of recognising the truth in the story.

I felt sad when I read the e mail, many of us who claim to be good, loving, and aware, can still be strongly aligned with unloving mindset’s. According to my friend, this man was innocent, but even if he was guilty we often fall into the judgment of the error for our fellow man.

We place our judgment on the effect of people’s error rather than perhaps seeing a deeper cause.

And in that deeper cause is the opportunity for healing not punishment. We may also judge the effect of the error on a 1 to 10 scale basis, thus seeing the need for different levels of punishment.

Many years ago a girlfriend shared with me that she had been raped…she acknowledged that there had been healing for her out of this situation. Somehow the coming together of these two people which resulted in a less than loving act, a cause was unpacked for this girl in the healing process. I am quite sure she learned not to hold the rapist in a mindset of judgement and deserving of punishment.

At some level of her healing the opportunity for healing would’ve been greater for the rapist as she let go of her painful mindset against him and perhaps helping him also to open to his mindset of pain moving into a deeper space of healing.

In other words we don’t just heal ourselves, in that process on a universal mind level we are allowing the space for others to heal.

If you are still with me I am now moving into a deeper space which is the doorway to a higher alignment with Truth. Many of us are operating from painful mindsets. These may be directed outwardly or inwardly. There was time in my life, when a response to an event was about to take me into an avalanche of huge pain, it felt very painful but I suddenly realised I was nowhere near feeling my emotions, my mind was keeping me out and telling its own story.

Within that mindset will be victim, fear, anger, resentment a multitude of human responses. But as something opened up in my mind for a split second I was able to see where my mind was operating from and I immediately became free from the perceived pain of the situation.

A lot of us have experienced this and have continued opening to the actual emotion and within the emotion lies the awareness and healing.

As the shifts gently happen, and we gently bring awareness to the nature of our mindsets, one comes to realise how strongly we may be aligned on a universal level to painful and uncharitable mindsets taking many different forms on the stage of life. We realise just how unaligned to love we really are, even though some of us may be strong believers in Love.

As that mindset changes we discover more love for ourselves, as well as our brother, then often the misunderstood Lord’s Prayer takes on new meaning.

“Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven” We have moved into the alignment of love which brings us powerfully into free will.

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