Beyond Insanity into Meaning

Mandalla By Mandy Cruickshank

As I sit down to write another blog there is almost this sense of relief, as I have been very busy lately, the sort of busyness that we all become engaged in, yet it doesn’t always satisfy, and we look back on our day or days and try to see where the meaning has been for us.

Many of us are struggling with the news of the terrible acts of war, where the effects are long reaching and causing huge loss and pain. They are acts that certainly have no meaning but are very frightening as human beings have the knowledge to be able to create such deadly war machines.

I have an a acquaintance who has strong religious beliefs, her perspective being that Satan is really strongly in control at the moment, and then will come the end of the world. As one is sometimes overwhelmed with the amount of terrible acts being portrayed by the media one could almost take on that belief. Mass negative affects create their vibration that touches us all in some way. And we need to be conscious of our own thoughts as to what belief system we are aligning ourselves too.

Many people are quite negative about the use of Face book, but there is an amazing lot of positivity being fed to us all every day through the content of posts that hold such awareness/truth for us all to make those little shifts in our thought system.

None of our lives are perfect for most people there is some sort of inner lack felt, no matter how their lives may be portrayed on an outer level. It is a fact that the Western Society in comparison to other cultures has so much and yet are often not happy. The inner fulfilment is not felt as we are often so strongly aligned to the mind.

The population of countries that have little opportunity for great wealth and education are indeed a living lesson to us all as they embrace the simplicity in their lives. They seem to have a simple faith in something greater than themselves, and a connection to their own inner spirituality that emanates out in Joy and thankfulness.

The Western culture has a mindset effect that can leave many people feeling on the outer; some don’t fall into the perfect job, or any job. Others have nervous breakdowns in an effort to keep that seemingly perfect job. As relationships and employment satisfaction break down with life’s stresses the onset of mental illness becomes the experience for some. They can end up with debilitating labels that continues to help take people on a downward spiral in their lives.

So we end up with this vibration of effect and it can take us down, resulting in a mass depression and spiritual dessert. The meaning and the knowing has gradually been lost to us. It is only as we become aware of our mind sets, question our beliefs and know that as we evolve that some of those fear based beliefs will simply hold no power. We may become free to break away from Societies culture of thinking and realise that, no matter what is happening around us, we ourselves hold the power within to create something in alignment with our soul that is powerful and truthful and has the ability to touch the world if only in a small way.

Not everybody knows how to hear the voice of their soul, some fall into the experience and others have to be supported. For myself at times I have had powerful glimpses that have come with such a powerful knowing. And then l take on the journey of faith and take constant small steps to bring my knowing into alignment with humanity.

But as I do that, I do not see that we as a human race will dissolve into a nothingness for we all hold the amazing ability to create from that inner space of Universal Truth which lies within in all of us, and it is perhaps humanities lesson to learn how to mirror the greatness that is within us rather, than the fear and sense of lack. The cause will be changed and the effects will perhaps be that endless supply of creativity that flows through us as we find that rightful/balanced connection within.. I don’t really see why the world would end; perhaps it is up to us.

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