The Harp as a Healing Instrument by Jan Hirsch

Jan Hirsch

The Ancients thought of the harp as a Gift from the Divine. It has unique qualities that make it an ideal instrument for healing. Its long strings vibrate freely and purely, resounding in sympathy and harmony with the nerves and muscles of our body. Probably the most famous of all the Harp Healers was David–the shepherd-warrior-poet who soothed the troubled King Saul with sweet music from his small harp.

Sadly, today, many people think of the harp as just a beautiful instrument or a harbinger of death ( the thought process is harp, angels, death) and close their minds to the gift of healing that it brings. Eighteen years ago, I was blessed by the healing gift of the harp. I was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer two months after the sudden death of my beloved husband and given five years to survive at the most.

When the Oncologist was surprised at how well I was progressing, he asked me what I was doing. I told him that I would play my harp hours and hours — especially between Midnight and three o’clock in the morning when the side effects of the treatments were at their worst. He told me to just keep on playing that harp.

I was given the great gift of life and for these past eighteen years, I have shared the gift of the healing harp with anyone who asks. It has brought me sadness that many Health Care Professionals are not open to the concept that a harp could possibly offer such a great gift. Not only does it bring healing, but it has no adverse side affects. Last week, I received a telephone call that there was a suspicious finding on the mammogram that was done on August 7th.

I personally felt that there was nothing there, but I made an appointment for further testing. This call was a gift in that it moved me to do important things that I may have procrastinated about (I am NOT talking about cleaning my house smile emoticon. Once again, I could feel that same bubble of beauty surround me that i had experienced eighteen years ago–a golden light, complete peace and the ability to see beyond the veil.

Today, as i sat in the waiting room, I thought of the journey of these past eighteen years and the wonder that it has been. First, I received more x-rays. Then I was asked to wait to see if I needed a sonogram. The technician came to the door and called me over and told me that i would need the sonogram also.

In a short while, I was lying in the darkened room watching the screen reveal a part of my body that is beyond natural sight. I waited on the table when it was completed and then the technician returned with the doctor. His words were, “THERE IS NOTHING THERE.” I have never felt “at battle” with cancer and I have never looked at it as an “enemy.” I simply live the life I have been given and try my best to use it to serve others. Someday, this harpist will leave this earthly plane, but before I take that bright journey, I will play my harp in this world to bring healing to others.

Shared with permission from the author: Jan Hirsch

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