Co-Creating or Split


Yesterday I had a conversation with a lady and she told me she did not believe in God. Fair enough goodness knows what she was taught as a child, or she may not have been taught anything about the big man in the sky.

Many of us are very much the victim of life experiences or handed down beliefs, which form our choice of beliefs. Beliefs are a funny thing, when we find somebody else of the same mind belief, we tend to feel connected and maybe even a little safer in this life experience. I am sure many of us experience those moments of “what is it all about”.

Counsellors are ultimately trained to explore with the client what is the meaning that they bring to an event, an idea, or even a creative expression that is given form.

There are times when people experience an emptiness in life or suddenly their perception of their world wobbles, the result being, they may seek out a model of therapy/religion/spirituality/self development that sits right for their choice of beliefs. 

Others may happily be journeying through their lives letting their beliefs be a little likened to a compass directing them. But what if the compass is out, it has not been set properly. You may have set your whole trust in that incorrectly set compass to guide you.

In other words, what do you ultimately give your power to in your everyday life in your collection of beliefs? It is only when we start an inner journey, looking at our beliefs and what we give power too; that we start to experience the very powerful energy that we think holds us in a place of safety. The fear that can sit subtly under a belief system suddenly becomes very much into your awareness. But as it is brought to light then do we experience a letting go and we have moved closer to that inner platform of universal truth that is within. There is suddenly a little more love in our life.

As I have said, there is a sense of connection that happens when we find another with similar beliefs. This happens on a mass human level. We have a mass of human Society giving power to beliefs that hold no true meaning resulting in all kinds of human pain, and then we turn around and blame God. We forget that we either co create with an essence within… it what you like or we disassociate from our true essence, causing a mind that is split into fear based beliefs and somehow within that choice is the loss of meaning in our lives. It is from this place all sorts of dysfunctional behaviours originate. We have a society that looks at the behaviour and judges it, not looking at the cause and correcting it.

I am sure that we have many beautiful people vibrating within the truth of their own essence in a co creation with Universal Truth/God that enjoy the support of structure within the models the of Therapy/ Religion/spirituality/ self development. But there also seems to be a lot of fragmentation that is also vibrating within these structures. Also major resistance to what may be perceived as a structure.

It’s almost as if a new language needs to be created so that people are taught the way to experience their inner essence and learn to be a co creator rather than to split. The models can only be as good as people teaching these models as they do their inner work, therefore moving beyond fear based beliefs and leading people into experiencing Truth, being open to non verbals languages, or ways of teaching, that move us away from the constriction of the mind creating a space for awareness.

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