Inner Healer

Many years ago I was mindful of an inner push to attend a Therapy Training Gathering. The Facilitators were from America and were teaching an aspect of Gestalt Main Stream Therapy. It was a gathering that changed my life completely, it didn’t happen in that gathering, it has been an ongoing journey.

As I have been sharing my knowledge around the language of colour, and the embodiment of colour, the awakening on an inner level to experience our True Self. The engaging with colour as it acts like a mirror of the soul, the ability to bring about a remembering within us, hence the release of painful mindsets. The stimulation towards the process of transmutation of worldly emotions such as grief, anger, depression, trauma. The ability to open us to a “knowing” that gets us moving in our life. All brought about by skillful facilitation!

Colour Creativity prayer joy awakening lotus

For my own personal journey, it has taken me years to gently move into the embodiment of the colour, instead of sitting on the outside of colour/ awareness. I have become one with inner peace and harmony in a very gentle way. It is then the colours take on a different energy for us and we start to engage joyfully with the strength side of the colour, rather than this sense of discomfort that can sit with us in a colour, no doubt playing itself out in a dysfunctional unconscious behaviour in our life.

Referring back to the Gestalt Therapy training. At that time I did not understand the process of embodiment. I had explored different healing modalities that removed a few layers of emotional discomfort from my life, but basically life took its journey for me with no ‘ah ha‘ moments. I remember standing in the the Therapy Training room, people had flown from all over Australia to attend, 500 participants. As you stood in the room and listened to the conversations one felt overwhelmed by this huge gathering of people who could only discuss either their emotional pain or their physical pain, some could only lay on the floor as suffers of Chronic Fatigue. For someone so young in the journey of training, I was not sure I wanted to take this journey. As I think about it now it could have been likened to the Biblical gatherings where people came and lay on their mats and waited for healing from Jesus. But Jesus certainly wasn’t welcome in this gathering by the majority of participants. He did play his part for some on an inner level of experience.

What we were taught was a very simple process, this process has been taught and used in all sorts of mainstream therapeutic modalities. One practitioner told me she had been taught by a Minister. I was taught by counselling modality. But there are still lots of people who are not aware of this process that opens us up to experiencing, what I call, their own ‘Inner Healer‘. I am sure that the process would have many different names to different people. The process is this amazing embodiment of healing that happens within. It is organic and exactly what is needed for the person. It is a part of the brain that is stimulated into opening up new pathways that lead us into the vagal system. Working in this way teaches us that the ever embodying Mystery of True religion lies within us.

As we strengthen this part of the brain in opening up new pathways it can become very powerful for us. We no longer have to be poked and pushed by a Counsellor/psychologist instead we are supported in a healing process that becomes ours.  We know best what it is that we need to open up to, on inner level, to support us on an external level and we find trust on a completely different level as we engage with our Therapist. It is a process that brings about deep inner movement within our psyche bringing us into an alignment of the Divinity that sits within us.

We live in a Society where there is so much stigma and division around the different structures of Therapy/Religion/Spirituality/New Age. The different belief systems likewise create huge division and it only takes a picture of a symbol (cross) that stimulates for some a childhood memory of the dysfunctional behaviour brought about by a fearful mindset of some religion. The result of the behaviour that has done so much damage to the Churches and the model of religion they teach. Others take on a belief structure and rules because maybe they didn’t have enough caring structure in their childhood. We need to observe that the resistance to the structure or the dependence is within us.

Working from the inside out with your Inner Healer, colour, music, or any creative modality tends to release you from the mindset of structure. The stance of the mind crumbles from within a little like a tower of buildings and you discover an opening into a never ending supply of Divine energy that becomes available to you that is authentic, organic and as it increases it shows in your life.

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