The Knowing

Beauty & Power by Mandy Cruickshank

I do love those inopportune moments in life where we think we are going somewhere, with a focus in mind and we suddenly find ourselves totally diverted from our initial focus. That happened for me on Friday night. Suddenly I found myself sitting on a seat talking to a rather gentle soul, and she had just happened to find herself at a gathering of people, which also had not been in her focus. We struck up an acquaintance quite quickly and she shared with me that she was doing study in a number of creative arts.

Trust evolved quite quickly between us, as she also shared that through the exercise of the art forms, she was experiencing her higher self. There was some hesitancy as she spoke of this, she shared that she had experienced a little of this when she was in her early twenties and had suppressed it.

There are many names for our higher self; some people call it the Holy Spirit, Inner guide, but the fact is no matter what name you give it, it is within us. It is that beautiful source energy that find’s a voice in us when we are able to move away from the busyness of our mind when it is going flat chat often without our awareness. Sometimes we are so aligned to the energy of that constant chatter; it is hard to find a space of stillness within us. It’s almost like being on the outside of everything that is good that vibrates with an essence of wholeness within. One of the questions that was posed by this gentle soul was, “How do you know to trust the higher voice.” I guess my response to that is. “It’s not in the knowing, because somewhere in the business of the chattering mind when we experience something more we do know.” It is the trust that we need to strengthen by responding. The knowing strengthens as a natural law.

There are a few of us souls that like to think we know everything. I am sure you all can bring to mind somebody you could, even affectionately, describe as a ”know all.” A more clinical label for these endearing souls, or maybe not so endearing. is “the Psychological Know’er.” A soul who very much depends on his/her analytic strengths within the mind. There can be a tendency to build his/her sense of being on this energy of the mind. They like to gather worldly knowledge very much attuned to the yellow. Out of balance, they are not really easy clients for counselling as they have the ability to want to engage you with this agitated energy of the mind, very difficult to focus them in, they use their mind as a source of protection, they will talk about anything but the emotions.

There are many gateways into experiencing, even a split couple of seconds, where the knowing makes itself available to us. Art indeed is a wonderful medium to experience this. We can’t stop the chatter, the more we try, the worse it gets. So it is focusing in on perhaps some music, some art, a form of meditation that engages the mind on a different level. It’s a little bit like working with a small child who wants to have their way. You can try to force dominance, or you can gently lead them into another direction. This sounds a little simple but it is true, mind that is creating on a level that is not in accordance with the inner Knowing can become very powerful and uncomfortable, if we wanted to put a clinical label on it.. Anxiety.

I remember the first time I tried to teach about yellow in my workshops, trying to teach anxiety….and I was vibrating with anxiety. I then realised that I need to teach the more soul connected strengths of the yellow which, of course, in this wonderful colour is Joy and Happiness. So it is indeed the personal journey for each and every one of us to find what works for us when the chatter becomes too strong, are we first able to step back as an observer without judgement, and find what feeds our mind on a creative or spiritual level. As I said, there are many pathways that move us away from the chatter, to experience the knowing. Above all it has the energy of stillness, and a peace.

The more abstract the medium is the more release from the mind structure or tightness. Creativity flows in this open space of the mind that is engaged in abstract work. As that space is strengthened and enlarged it allows for the energy of knowing to emerge. This source energy may lead you to a new creative medium so that the creativity is being fed, it is opening up a space within us that the source knowing energy can utilise. The creativity is the vessel for the knowing to emerge. It may or may not be in a verbal message. There is some art (abstract) where the knowing is recognised on a non verbal level and speak’s to us as such.

The knowing can also come in the creative form of a song, a spiritual hymn, music written for orchestra, famous pieces that live on through the generations. It is from this space that movies are written and that become a fable, a form of encouragement for generations to believe in. There are many forms that this knowing takes; it leads us in directions for our life that we may never have thought possible. The Knowing that solves what may sometimes be perceived as unsolvable issues. There are many services available for advice, but the true service to all mankind is to build a space of trust and tools that enables people to open up to their own knowing.

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