The Space Within the Mind.

Centering Mandalla Pink

Recently I had this shift; it was exactly as you see the above heading. There was suddenly the experience of a space within my mind an opening to other possibilities. With that came this beautiful sense of rest somehow residing within the whole of my spirit. It was like heart had a space to say something too. I was suddenly more present to the whole of my being. It was this beautiful space of where emotion’s also seemed to have a say, tears of joy were not far away.

Experiential shifts are not fully understood by many. However people are experiencing these shifts large and small all over the world.

There are many models of Therapy and healing but sadly there a lot of people who get lost in them, they don’t find the healing, instead there is a lot of resistance and understandably so, as they deal with people within the models who have learned the structure impeccably but are unable to let go within themselves. As this letting go happens whether it is within relationship with another, or just with oneself there is this amazing space to experience healing of any level. One that is a full on embodiment experience.

Years ago the common knowledge to experience that opening of the mind was such that people went on meditation retreats, and some went on a life long journey of sitting on a mountain. Others used drug’s and still are, to what is sadly creating major side affects.

I have a friend who tells me often about the experience of opening to within herself, and of being held in amazing love. This happened for her while she was being criticised by a family member. Most of us find this a hurtful experience and we can disassociate … the beginnings of separation that is caused within ourselves and can continue into an effect of much meaningless behaviour in many forms which is sadly judged by many, who do not have the wisdom to look a little deeper.

My particular friend however chose to connect into a more truthful part of herself, as she experienced the trauma she was able to connect into that space within the mind which supported her rather than creating an automatic shutting down process that is more often practised by many of us.

The interesting thing is this lady was a Christian; her instant response was to leave the church due to her profound experience. My understanding of this decision was the major contrast experienced for her, that religion didn’t cut it for her anymore.

The fact is she had what many may describe as a religious experience, or maybe people who choose that medium are seeking a similar experience. Others open to that experience but are in no way religious. I tend to think true religion lives within us, no matter what chosen model we use to support us to opening to that which is within.

We live in an age now where there is more awareness around the many creative models for us to enjoy and to experience evolvement. You might find that a particular creative model calls you, because creativity is alive and calls to the parts within us that may have created a sense of separation within. Already there is the opportunity to be responding to something else rather than the stronghold of the mind.

As we respond to these models that are also incorporative of creativity there still needs to be the opportunity for allowing awareness to any strong mind stances/beliefs. The awareness of emotional suppression, the willingness from within to open up, the ability to play, all these things move us away from the tightness of the mind allowing an opening that can take us to a mind blowing embodiment of healing. You are held in the structure, but also free.

As shown from our lady who gave up the model of religion, a model is not necessary to experience evolvement but it does create a sense of safety for people. As I have said before there is much resistance to many models but in the end it is moving inward away from the mind structure of any model. e.g. Let Go

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