The Dance Of Inner Movement Within The Green.

Today like many of us after experiencing the the winter I find a joy in the beautiful spring day that is with us. Beautiful daffodils creating a picture shedding splashes of yellow,supported with a depth of green in the landscape. This abundance of green around us will only continue to strengthen as the trees and in my case roses find new leaves.

Green is very much about space…a new space to open up and move forward with our dreams. Its also a colour where we can really start moving forward into a deeper experience of Inner harmony.

We start to realise that a lot of the thoughts that we entertain often unconsciously from day to day simply don’t give us the power we want in our lives. They are often subtle dis-empowering thoughts that creep in that sit behind our choices as to whether we respond or react. The green is about having the space to open up and experiencing growth on an inner level.

It can be a time where we start to explore beliefs, these can be religious, spiritual,or social beliefs which have more external power in our lives, or they can be beliefs about our self identity, those subtle ones that are not in alignment of our true self.

A habit is a process-a group of actions, thoughts and feelings- which has been reinforced to the point that it has become unconscious. We drive the car by habit, if we started to observe every action we did it would hinder the habit to be able to work efficiently.

Our inner life can be a little like this, the habits know how to run our life, have been doing for years. Becoming consciously aware, observing the process breaks up the automatic habit pattern.Most of our beliefs and attitudes are unconscious habits which influence our responses and behaviours in every aspect of our lives.

When we find ourselves in a place of not knowing, the inability to make a decision, which is in the green, it is wonderful to take yourself to nature where there is lots of green and stillness. Within the place of nature where a meditation occurs naturally, the mind stills, harmony is restored within and perhaps you have heard your answer, it may not be in enlightened with the thinking of the world, but it will be one of Truth. That is when we start moving away from perhaps social beliefs which can be instilled powerfully into our psyche and start moving into a walk that is authentic and in alignment with Truth the strength side of the green.

I have an acquaintance who is constantly struggling with her mind,in her words it is distracted, she complains of no order in her life. Her mind is her constant excuse for any perceived shortcoming. We don’t struggle with our mind, if we do we take on a endless battle. It is in the observance of the habit, the breaking up of the inner beliefs and thoughts and perhaps giving space to feelings. Then the fragmented mind that she struggles with gently falls away and within is the space for her to discover a platform of stability within. One that is of harmony, and an alignment with Truth. There becomes the conscious choice to be less reactive to her external world, and different responses become available to her.

Notice how you engage with green, you may love it and have great knowledge of plants and love to travel. You may be a total heart person, in touch with it and people sense your inner harmony, or you may have difficulty with opening up into constant new spaces within your life, and perhaps be a little more inclined to shut down which is very easy to do, and often an unconscious choice. How does green speak, you may find a real dislike for it, or it may be gently moving into your wardrobe and external life. Remember to open your box of crayons. When you feel the desire to put green to the paper. Then sit with it, you may experience it speaking to you. It is the continuation of the embodiment of the colour that brings us into Truth and Inner Harmony.

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