Express Through a Creative Form

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Last week my blog was very much focused on the knowing, the energy that is often aligned within many forms of creativity. As we allow the flow of creativity to strengthen through us, it is the space within that somehow increases, becoming a little like a vessel of creativity, that hold’s the knowing within it. A rather exciting theory when you think about it. It brings one’s mind to the Parable Jesus spoke of with the fish. The bucket with the never ending supply of fish, they just kept flowing out. I am sure there have been many different slants taken on this parable; this is just one of them.

When I sometimes sit down to write, it is a little like putting my paintbrush to the canvas. I have no idea what I am going to produce; I simply have to trust the process. It can be a very scary process to go to the canvas especially if it is a big one and start producing something that may be only stimulated by a thought or a feeling wanting to find a form of expression. Some people cannot move beyond the fear of not knowing how to express this in a creative form. But for others that have moved beyond the fearful aspect of the mind there are possibilities that are endless and rather exciting. It is in that play element, the ability to sit with the art form within the not knowing that holds a space for you to open up to a knowing that is beyond the human comprehension of the everyday experience of the human mind. And it is in that space the mind has expanded into a creative place of wholeness. In that place of experienced wholeness is the containment of Joy Peace and all those wonderful ingredients. 

I have had to pause for the first time in writing these blogs,up till now they have flowed out for me because I have had all these experiences that I wanted to write about to inform, to inspire, to allow even a paragraph of my writing to perhaps strike an inner chord with you, and that striking with the inner chord is often one that has somehow been a little like a bulb in the ground, it hasn’t been given much light until it starts to poke its first shoot up through the ground. For some of us, the combination of experiences in life we tend to keep our deeper truthful aspects of ourselves protected until something external connects and we start giving that part some life.

It’s when we start moving with our own paintbrush upon the rugged terrain of our inner/outer life. We start looking at what is vibrant, and whole perhaps desiring of a voice, rather than being so attuned to the aspects of the mind, that tend to hold us back. We are all familiar with those aspects, and there are many different forms of self development in teaching people awareness around limiting thought patterns. But as a Society we are not taught to go deeper, to move us beyond the thought patterns to experiencing energy of wholeness within us; we stay stuck on a mind structure that keeps us in a comfortable place of acceptance with our profession colleagues, friends and family. I tend to call it the lid on the ice-cream container, we have had a look at our thoughts, make a few adjustments so the lid fits back on the container and we have a comfortable way of being within Society. We may try a few different size ice-cream containers but most of them allow us the thought patterns It’s still OK to be judgmental, and love is a nice word to be used, but let’s not push it too hard, it has boundaries. There remains for many of us a very strong mind structure that we all unconsciously adhere too.

 It is only as we connect more to this creative energy of  wholeness, that our whole perception starts to change. The lid has once again come of the ice-cream container, you start to think about the parable of the endless bucket of fish again…and that we just might have access to experiencing that within our minds, that we can move beyond the layers of limiting thought patterns that hold an unconscious element of fear and open into a an endless supply of inspirational energy and knowing incorporated within the mind and perhaps the experience of the real essence of love which does not need the the unconscious thought patterns, is not even in any way aligned to them.

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