The Mystical Element within Creativity

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Creativity is the becoming fashionable word and yet one I feel is least understood and for some it brings a sense of uneasiness if they have not opened up to this amazing energy that is our inheritance. People know at some level that creativity allows a space within the psyche…a moment where they are released from the constant chatter of the mind. I believe this happens on a scale slide.

People join a choir because it takes them into the heart space and suddenly they find that through the medium of the song, and maybe with combination of the music that they are able to connect with some emotion that has not been allowed the time, or maybe the lack of knowhow in finding a form for expression.

Others find a release from the imbalance of a busy mind and find themselves in a much more connected and peaceful way of being. When the choir slips into the harmony of one voice, a sense of separation which we all experience on a subtle level dissolves and that feeling of oneness is experienced and within that is joy and love for their fellow members.

There are many forms of creativity that moves people into a different space resulting in the same space of “sense of one.” If people slip deeply enough into this space the experience can be one going beyond the “personality knowing” into a sense of knowing that has a vibration beyond what most of us experience in our everyday lives.

 It’s a space that, once experienced, somehow your perception of the world has changed. It’s like getting to stand on a platform that maybe doesn’t move with the shifting sands of life. And you want to experience more….the difficulty is that we try to get to that space again with the logic sides of our brain, the part of the brain that we have operated from for a large percentage in our lives. (Takes time to break the habit).

How did we get to experience that deeper place within us that felt so good and actually for some, felt “mind blowing.” For those that have not experienced this inner shift of the mind, if the opening to this space within was experienced on in Therapy, it would be called an experiential shift. If it was in a Church it would be termed as a religious experience.

There are people that are trained through the logic aspect of religion, and therapy, to lead people to experiencing this space. Part of that leading is supporting the person to let go. That takes skill but it is the essential element for people to experience an inner shift moving towards that sense of oneness.

The creative mediums such as art, colour, drama, music, and writing, if facilitated correctly allow a playfulness moving away from the logic side of the brain in which we become unconsciously entrapped.

We are all different and will move towards a medium that works for us, as we move towards that space consistently opening awareness to our limiting mind restrictions. As we experience the solid platform of truth that sits within all of us, perhaps that unconscious separation of the mind structure that is in many logic models of therapy and religion will soften and there will be no right or wrong way towards the goal of inner enlightenment.

As those logic proven models soften allowing a little space for creativity to evolve perhaps we will journey more as one as we move towards the enlightenment of humanity.

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