About Strings of Colour

Creative Arts, Healing and Ministry

with Mandy Cruickshank

You have a child or young adolescent not responding to any kind of communication. Relax!! Incorporating the above non verbal, non threatening mediums that open’s a pathway to the Cause rather than the effect. It work’s and allow’s the space for a solution to evolve.  Having delivered creative workshops to school classrooms incorporating colour and music is an amazing and humbling experience.  


I support anyone who does not have a strong connection to the cognitive side of the brain to express emotion’s a most important ability for a balanced state of mental/emotional health. I work with non verbal mediums such a music and especially colour. I support the carer to able to keep new emotional expression skills implemented on a long term basis for the participant.

My Passion is Teaching to groups of all walks of life…religious/non religious using creative mediums music and color and Art as a gateway to opening of the “Quiet Space” within. The theme of my recent radio show.

I offer a Service that is authentic, that you have the choice to go beyond the one hour session….that fills the gaps that you may be experiencing within the system.

I don’t fit you into my Service….I expand with my training, my basket of tools, and my own personal life journeying to meet with you in your needs.

We can connect face to face, or with Skype on your computer by appointment. Rooms are available in Hobart and in the Derwent Valley at Ellendale.

My Qualifications Include:

“Diploma in Professional Counselling”

With Advanced Study Majors in the following specialties

tickTrauma and abuse

tickGrief & loss

I am also Schooled in:

tickSound Therapy

tickEidetic Imagery Spiritual Healing Arts (E.I.S.H.A.)

tickAura Soma /Color Therapy Practitioner

tickEnergetic healing Practitioner

tickClinical Musician/Harp Therapy

Aura Soma
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