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SUMMARY of the Quiet Space. Mandy’s Recent Radio Show.

The show was called, “The Quiet Space”, referring to the inner quite space in all of us, where we find calm and a quite peace in situations that have been distressing us. Christianity calls this a state of Grace, and teaches that you can only reach it through becoming a Christian, and many people feel locked out. Similarly, Eastern religions teach meditation, but many people say they cannot meditate. The program explored paths through creativity.

We talked about creative mediums, which help to open up and integrate both sides of the brain; although most commonly, people use the left brain for daily activities, the right side is the more lucid, and when it is stimulated we actually find a pathway to experience the quite space within.

To demonstrate, we talked about the use of the harp in palliative care; its music acts as a medium from both sides as people cross over. It can enable people to let go of painful, unhealed situations they haven’t been able to resolve, with the help of the music they are able to let go of their own mental stance on that situation, forgiveness and love can flow again.

We then described experiential shifts brought in about in moments of awareness. Sometimes the shift is small-a choice to express self love by wearing a pink jumper rather than the navy blues and blacks which can be (unconsciously) worn as an outer protection. At other times the shift is huge, where people experience an inner expansion, their previous views and perceptions fall away and they experience an energy of truth that changes their whole life.

Colour is a wonderful tool to teach mental health, because it softens the message and people can respond to that rather than a logical statement which could create a further self-judgment. Colour is all around us, but many of us are not aware of the hidden language of colour, the ways in which colour affects us all. We explored this in several ways-through the use of mandalas, and even more through drawing/painting, and the way we use colour in our lives- through clothing and gardening for example. How our moods/attitudes are unconsciously expressed through these uses. and thinking about ones wardrobe can reveal a lot about ourselves we may consciousness be denying. And in Art, when colour is put on a canvas even in a totally abstract way pattern, some people are moved to tears, as if the colour itself is is speaking to them.

Music is another creative medium that we can use. We described how the harp resonates on the body loosening, bringing a space to the emotional pain that sits within the energetic system. It helps that letting go process faster than the mind can control. Again that tool to inner awakening, the truth, the peace, the knowing,the faith, the joy, the love- all aspects of the “quite space” We also looked at singing bowls, and chanting, another medium that can hold, nurture and create an inner shift.

The main message of this for-shortened program was that everyone can in their own unique ways , open to experience that quite space. We don’t have to wait until we’re on our death bed needing the skills of a harpist!

In the final program, we touched briefly on beliefs, either handed down socially, culturally, or through a faith, or shaped by our own experiences. Many of these may be erroneous, false, or simply out-of -date. As we start to access the quite space, the mind can be given a rest from the beliefs-we stimulate the right side of the brain, the more lucid side, where beliefs and an overactive mind has less power over us and we up to experience as essence of truth that leaves us in a true space of humility.

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